With millions of gallons of water rushing under your drift boat, it takes a pretty hefty anchor to stay put in good sized rivers. We have yet to meet anyone who likes messing with a 30-45 pound anchor all day, even if you're only dropping and hauling it back up (hand over hand) 10 feet.
Our systems are designed to contain up to 300 feet of 1/4" anchor rope, which is perfect for anchoring above a run and back bouncing your way through it without dragging the anchor through the hole and spooking the fish. Simply release the spool and tighten it slightly to allow the speed of the current to pull line off the spool at the speed you wish to backtroll - all while remaining anchored. You'll also be happy to see that line on the spool and not tangled up around your feet in the bottom of your boat! If you drift during the winter months, you'll never touch a cold, wet rope with your hands ever again!
Our "free-spool drop", and easy cranking makes all the difference between using an anchor or being used by one. At the end the day, you will absolutely know and feel the difference. The Anchor Wizard system below is our recommendation for any drift boat - so check it out!